• motoko-imada
    Motoko Imada


    Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Mediagene, the digital media company, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Office at Infobahn, the digital communication agency. Publisher of GIZMODO Japan, Lifehacker Japan, Kotaku Japan, cafeglobe, MYLOHAS, glitty, Tabroid, and Roomie 1998- Infobahn, Inc. Co-founded the digital agency called “Infobahn”, and became the CEO. As well as launching magazines, web medium as its own brand, Infobahn expanded its business opportunities in content marketing; such as planning/consulting/producing of owned, earned, and paid media. 2008 - Mediagene, Inc. Based on experiences of media business, Motoko founded the digital media company called Mediagene and became CEO. Infobahn Group focus on content marketing from planning, media solution, content creation and media planning for distribution of content.